5 Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude During Covid-19

The outbreak of new coronavirus disease or Covid-19 could be more stressful. Fear, uncertainty, and anxiety about an illness can be overwhelming and cause negative attitudes in both adults and children. Staying positive and calm in this coronavirus pandemic can be more challenging, and it is critical to your mental health and for your immune […]

7 Tips all Sales Professionals Should be Doing During COVID-19

With the start of 2020, many of us had plans to do something great this year. We thought that it would be the most excellent year ever as the markets were on the peak, the unemployment rate was down, and industries were growing at their full potential. Suddenly it all went out of the window […]

7 Powerful Ways to Get your Sales Team Re-Energized and Re-Focused during COVID -19

Covid-19 is having a significant impact on people and economies worldwide. Companies have to struggle a lot to motivate their different stakeholders and maintain their regular operations. So, the sales managers must go through every extreme to keep their sales teams motivated and energized. In the situation of the epidemic, the external conditions may affect […]

How to deal with Stress during Covid-19

You are dealing with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak. It is normal to feel sad, panic, stressed, confused, scared, or angry during a crisis. You can decrease the risk of spreading corona virus diseases through maintaining social distance. But social distancing and self-isolation create stress and will make you sad. The World Health Organization (WHO) […]

6 Traits of a Champion That Can Help You in Business & Life

When you think about the great winners in sports, you’d be surprised at how many traits they share with successful business owners. The truth is, being a champion is a mental state, not a physical state or a reward. It’s simply a manifestation of using the right attitude to achieve a shared goal. Business owners […]

SMILE at Adversity

In one of the chapters in Get off Your Attitude, I talk about how to deal with the obstacles and challenges that we all face in life. I also share ideas and principles on how to deal with adversity in a positive manner. In this article I will do the same, suggesting how you can […]